How to Reach

To reach Government Polytechnic Chhabilhakhor in Sadar Basti, you can follow these directions:

By Road:

  • If you’re coming from Basti town, you can take the road leading to Sadar Basti. Government Polytechnic Chhabilhakhor is located in Sadar Basti and is easily accessible by road. You can use private transportation such as cars, motorcycles, or public transportation like buses or auto-rickshaws.

By Train:

  • The nearest railway station to Sadar Basti is Basti Railway Station. From there, you can hire a taxi or use public transportation to reach Government Polytechnic Chhabilhakhor.

By Air:

  • The nearest airport to Sadar Basti is Gorakhpur Airport, which is approximately 70 kilometers away. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or use public transportation to reach Sadar Basti. Alternatively, you can also fly to other nearby airports such as Varanasi Airport or Lucknow Airport and then travel by road to Sadar Basti.

Address: Government Polytechnic Chhabilhakhor, Sadar Basti, Basti, Uttar Pradesh, India

Government Polytechnic Chhabilhakhor Sadar Basti

Address: Government Polytechnic Chhabilhakhor Sadar Basti-272002
Phone: 9450436678
Email : [email protected]

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